Why choose Recticel Flexible Foams?

The ideal partner for the consumer goods industry

The consumer goods industry moves fast and is extremely competitive. Manufacturers must be able to provide a wide choice, deliver quickly and stay ahead of trends, including an increasing demand for personalised products and services. They also need to meet essential standards for safety, fire resistance and sustainability. Recticel’s carrying, comforting and protecting foams are lightweight, versatile and durable. As well as being economical to produce, they have a low ecological footprint. In combination with our range of post-production treatments, they offer designers freedom and inspiration, enabling end-consumers to enjoy a more convenient, colourful, attractive and sustainable world.


Recticel has extensive experience  in the consumer goods industry. We supply customers worldwide with materials for products ranging from household sponges to hiking boots. Our R&D specialists and product managers work closely with manufacturers and monitor the market to anticipate new demands. Many of our brands, such as Sweepex® and Bulfast®, have become standard materials for leading manufacturers in their sectors.

As well as providing technical support, we offer consistent quality and service worldwide. Our global production footprint is supported by strong central facilities and services. These include a dedicated structure for innovation and R&D, a physical & chemical laboratory and 2D & 3D competence centres. These help us to develop a materials portfolio based on functional expertise. They also enable us to design robust solutions which are then manufactured locally using serial production methods. 

Operational and logistics practices are standardised across all production units. Commercial accounts are managed globally with local follow-up, and we have a dedicated project management organisation for all new projects.